Emmanuel Scholarships
Moses E. Ford
Scholarship Information
A $3000 Scholarship ($1000 per semester of your freshman year) is awarded to members of EMBC graduating from high school and meeting the following criteria:
- Must be a bona-fide member of the Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church for one (1) year, be in good standing and attend church regularly.
- Must actively attend church and participate in youth fellowship ministries regularly (example: Sunday School, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Usher Board, Youth Choir, Liturgical Dance Ministry, Youth Bible Study, Youth/Church community service etc).
- For participants of ministries that meet infrequently (once or twice a month) such as Liturgical Dance and Youth Ushers, students must be involved in another ministry.
- Working students must regularly pay their tithes to Emmanuel.
- Must be a graduate from an accredited high school.
- Must provide an official transcript (with raised seal) in a sealed envelope from the high school you are attending.
- Must have applied and been accepted to an institution of higher education (college, university, or vocational school) providing the letter of acceptance.
- Must have two (2) letters of recommendation:
a. Letter from ministry leader of the church ministry the student is involved with which states your involvement and attendance (letter cannot be written by your parent or guardian).
b. Letter of recommendation from your high school teacher, counselor, or principal.
- Must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative grade point average for your entire high school career.
- Complete package from the applicant must be submitted to Deacon Mack or Sister Georgia Bivens by the 3rd Tuesday in May, 2009, no later than 7:00 PM.
- Student must submit a letter of official enrollment and a schedule of their courses from the institution they are attending prior to the scholarship funds check being awarded in the student’s name.
- Packages not meeting the minimum 2.5 GPA or other listed criteria will be reviewed for an award of $250 if the students are continuing their education beyond their high school diploma.
Moses E. Ford Stipeds
Stipend Criteria & Guidelines
A $750 stipend will be awarded to active Emmanuel youth enrolled in full-time undergraduate study. Active is defined as regularly participating in a ministry of the church when present in the Colorado Springs area. This includes Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, etc. subject to the following guidelines:
- Student must have been an active member of Emmanuel Baptist Church
- If the student is a member of Emmanuel Baptist Church and is working, then the student must regularly pay their tithes to Emmanuel. If the student has changed their membership to another church while away at college, then the student should be paying their tithes to that fellowship. NOTE: At the end of each year students should receive from their church, and be able to provide tithing evidence when requested by the scholarship committee.
- Stipend starts the beginning of the student’s sophomore year and ends fall semester of the senior year. (Students continuing in a 5 or 6-year program remain eligible to receive the stipend).
- Student need not have received the Moses E. Ford Scholarship upon graduation from high school to be eligible for stipend.
- Student must receive a cumulative 2.5 GPA the previous year to be awarded the stipend in the fall of the following year.
- Student must provide the scholarship committee a transcript of their grades from each semester of the application year prior to receiving the stipend.
- Student must provide the scholarship committee proof that they are enrolled in school prior to funds being released at the beginning of the fall semester.