Children & Youth
Futur'e Youth Ministry
Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Children’s Church is an age-specific program designed to reveal eternal truths of the Gospel to our younger EMBC members. Age groups include ages 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12. Our vision for our Children’s Ministry is to assist parents in the study of Jesus Christ leading to the child’s salvation, a personal devotion time, spiritual growth, daily application of God’s Word to their lives, and evangelism, through sound biblical teaching and Christian adults who will pray with our children.
“But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a youth’; for to all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak.”
– Jeremiah 1:7 ESV
Girl Scouts
Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Children’s Church is an age-specific program designed to reveal eternal truths of the Gospel to our younger EMBC members. Age groups include ages 3-5, 6-8 and 9-12. Our vision for our Children’s Ministry is to assist parents in the study of Jesus Christ leading to the child’s salvation, a personal devotion time, spiritual growth, daily application of God’s Word to their lives, and evangelism, through sound biblical teaching and Christian adults who will pray with our children.
Emmanuel's Boy Scout Troop 118 "The Buffalos
Jesus placed a great value in children, using them throughout scripture to illustrate the Kingdom of Heaven. Our FuturE Ministry is designed to bring the youth of Emmanuel into an intimate and enduring relationship with Jesus Christ, providing a firm foundation and arc of covering which will equip them to face life’s challenges and emerge as strong leaders, strong parents, and effective Christians. This is accomplished through spiritual teaching and activities designed to develop spiritual altitudes, talents and gifts.
Emmanuel HBCU Tour

Reverend Eric Graham
Ministry Leader
The objective of Emmanuel’s Historically Black Colleges And Universities Tour is to inspire 9th-12th grade students in Colorado to pursue a college education by exposing and educating them to the academic environment and educational opportunities available at Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
Pals Ministry

Rev Sandra Graham
Ministry Leader
Emmanuel’s Prayer And Assistance for Local and Long-Distance Students Ministry encourages spiritual growth, academic success, and perseverance for undergraduate students. The ministry sends care packages to students four times annually, and sponsors student socials annually to connect students to sponsors.
Scholarship Ministry
The objective of Emmanuel’s Historically Black Colleges And Universities Tour is to inspire 9th-12th grade students in Colorado to pursue a college education by exposing and educating them to the academic environment and educational opportunities available at Historically Black Colleges and Universities.