Outreach Staff
Bereavement Ministry
Savannah Jackson
Ministry Leader
The Bereavement ministry mission is to comfort and encourage the bereaved and work to lighten their burden by assisting them with arrangements for their loved one(s). We provide a process to assure that homegoing celebrations are handled with dignity and are consistent with EMBC guidelines. If you experience a loss in your family, please alert the church office to contact Rev. Jackson
HIV/AIDS Ministry
Robin Rene Koonce
Ministry Leader
Emmanuel’s HIV/AIDS Ministry offers education, prevention, and free HIV testing to our congregation and the community at large. Emmanuel collaborates with both the It Takes A Village & Southern Colorado AIDS Project. Ministry members are available for speaking engagements, health events, and training other churches in creating a ministry. The Holy Bible and Emmanuel’s vision are the basis for the services that are provided.
Helping Hands Ministry
Emmanuel’s Helping Hands Ministry reaches out to the most needy among us, providing meals and other resources to our local homeless population. Our Helping Hands offers the compassion and love God offers each of us, modeling the personal example of Jesus Christ who stressed giving to those in need. “…invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” —Luke 14:13-14
How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?”
– Romans 10:14 ESV
Social Media
The purpose of the Social Media team is to serve as the communications arm of the ministry, using all media types to publicize and inform others of the ministry’s efforts. Mission of this ministry is Reaching the World for the Kingdom of God. But the underlying power in social media is not the technology or the platforms. The power comes from human beings connecting with one another all around the globe.
Prison Ministry
Minister Solomon Moore
Ministry Leaders
Emmanuel’s Prison Ministry advances the Kingdom of God by ministering to prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families by proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ. We assist prisoners and their families in an effort to bring about healing and reconciliation, as well as assisting prisoners and ex-prisoners in dealing with everyday practical situations. This ministry impresses upon the local church the importance of the call, the charge and the mandate of the church to minister to those who are incarcerated.
Parking Ministry

Roy Bishop
Ministry Leader
Ministry begins in the parking lot. The Parking Lot Ministry exists to make EMBC a safer, more convenient place for people to fellowship and visit; rather In snow, rain, heat or gloom of night.
Transportation Ministry
We minister to the body of Christ by ensuring the safe and secure transport of members and visitors to the church for Worship Services and Events. We ensure the church van is properly serviced, clean and comfortable.